And the Fox "news" so-called "war on Christmas" continued this Saturday evening on Mike Huckabee's show, with our good buddy HuckaJesus pulling every atheist straw man out of his posterior to pretend that Christians are somehow being oppressed by those evil, liberal heathens who are trying to take their holiday celebrations away from them. Call out the waaaambulance!
Heaven forbid a good Christian like Huckabee would ever come on the air and lie to their viewers, or try to drum up outrage over issues that should not be controversial, but sadly he's got a long history there and not just with Fox and their annual exercise in pretending that this ridiculous "war" on Christianity actually exists.
Last week he was out there carrying water for the NRA on the school shooting at Sandy Hook. Now, just in time for Christmas, we get treated to this nonsense.
HUCKABEE: Now, you know, there's been so much hostility to people celebrating Christmas this year, with lawsuits filed for songs, Christmas trees and nativity scenes by those who say, they're really offended by Christmas, I have to think that in some ways, this is a good thing.
No really. It's a good thing. Open hostility to faith is far better than indifference and people who are anything but indifferent to Christmas are what's around now. You know, when I hear the angry and hostile rantings of those who want any mention of Christmas, or the Christmas season to be eradicated from the public square, I don't hear the voices of people who think Christmas is meaningless and useless.
Because if they thought that, they'd merely be mildly amused that some of us spend so much energy in the acknowledgment, celebration and the meaning of this cherished day. But the reaction is not benign amusement, not even scorn. Most certainly not indifference.
It's angry, venomous and high volume rage. It's as if the opponents of Christmas are afraid the whole story might just be true. Because if they really thought it was a fairy tail and thought like it... the fairy tail they claimed to be, well, they not only would be unmoved by some of our wasting our time, energy and money over it, they'd actually be glad that we expended so much effort on something that was utterly meaningless.
But the degree of hostility toward the Christmas message is a sign of fear. I mean after all, you don't fear a stuffed bear in a museum, but you sure would fear an eight foot tall Grizzly Bear that you met in the woods that was growling just inches from your face.
So people who think God is dead and that the birth of Jesus is nonsense for cowards and weaklings, well, they would react to our Christmas observances much in the same way that a person acts toward a stuffed bear in a museum, some curiosity, but no real emotional reaction or fear. And when I see the kind of vicious and irrational reactions of those who sue to remove the display of a crèche, who demand that Christmas carols be silenced or insist that we have holiday trees instead of Christmas trees, I'm not made to feel that my worship of Christ is worthless.
No. I'm made to feel that it must be mighty powerful, to elicit that kind of response, so that a person would be scared senseless at the sight of a tree, the sound of a song, or the symbols of one who is a savior to me, but supposedly pure silliness to the protesters.
You see, I'll believe Christmas is meaningless, when its critics ignore it and confront it with a yawn instead of yelling. And until then, I just hope they'll understand that we mean no harm, only good. Good will in fact. Peace and good will to all. Merry Christmas.
Yeah, that's the ticket. Those atheists are really just attacking Christmas because they're secretly afraid that their views on religion are wrong. And a few outliers out there who have sued to keep the separation of church and state in our government buildings and military installations represent all liberals who are just trying to keep those poor victimized Christians like Huckabee and his ilk down.
Huckabee can spare me his wishes for a "Merry Christmas" after watching this nonsense. He's doing his best to spoil the holiday for any of his viewers who are silly enough to take his hyperbolic diatribe seriously and I'm fairly sure this huckster named Huckabee is fully aware of the garbage he's shoveling here.
UPDATE: And as my fellow contributor Ellen from News Hounds reminded me, there have thankfully been some cracks in the ice over at Fox, where not all of them are on board with this drummed up "war on Christmas." Here are a couple of recent examples.
Imus smacked down Varney's nonsense here: Stuart Varney Outraged That Salvation Army Worker Wished Him A Happy Holiday.
And Stossel wasn't on board with Bill-O earlier this month either: Stossel: There's No War On Christmas.