From CNN's The Situation Room, even Sen. John McCain admitted that this gridlock over the payroll tax holiday extension is damaging the Republican Party. It looks like the House Republicans and John Boehner aren't earning themselves any friends in the Senate now that Boehner has caved to his obstructionist caucus that would prefer gridlock to giving working Americans a break on their taxes.
BLITZER: Very quickly on another subject, the payroll tax cut, the extension. You were among the 89 senators who voted to continue it for another two months. Your Republican colleagues in the House, they say they're not going to go along with that. Why are they wrong and you and your Republican colleagues in the Senate right?
MCCAIN: I think we have to recognize reality and that is we are not going to see the payroll tax cut expire on the first of January. And we have to accommodate to that reality. It would not be fair to the American people at this time.
And so, it seems to me that Republican leaders and Harry Reid and the speaker and Congresswoman Pelosi should sit down together with the administration and figure out a way through this. It is harming the Republican Party.
It is harming the view if it's possible anymore, of the American people about Congress and we've got to get this thing resolved and with the realization that the payroll tax cut must remain in effect. Not to mention the doc fix and unemployment insurance, yes.