On this Monday's Hardball, Chris Matthews replayed a parody that first debuted on his weekend show -- Mitt Romney As 'The Artist': Chris Matthews Show Makes Movie Parody For GOP Candidate: Chris Matthews took a trip to the movies on his Sunday
February 27, 2012

On this Monday's Hardball, Chris Matthews replayed a parody that first debuted on his weekend show -- Mitt Romney As 'The Artist': Chris Matthews Show Makes Movie Parody For GOP Candidate:

Chris Matthews took a trip to the movies on his Sunday syndicated show, using Oscar favorite "The Artist" to make a parody trailer about Mitt Romney and his many verbal gaffes.

"The movie's about the perfect silent picture star who faces his downfall when he has to open his mouth," Matthews said. "And that made us think of a certain Republican frontrunner out there."

The trailer is for a movie called "Mitt: Better Off Mute," and, just like "The Artist," it's a silent, black-and-white affair.

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