Rachel Maddow follows up on her reporting that she's done all week on the kill-the-gays bill in Uganda and its ties to The Family. It appears Chuck Grassley finally decided it was worth his time to give a reply. Sen. Russ Feingold who is not a member of The Family and who has no ties to the law being promoted in Uganda released this statement:
I share the outrage many political, religious and civic leaders in Uganda and around the world about the "anti-homosexuality bill" before the Ugandan parliament. If enacted this inhumane bill would sanction new levels of violence against people based solely on their sexual orientation. Its passage would hurt the close working relationship between our two countries in the fight against HIV/AIDS. Over the last month, I have conveyed these concerns to the State Department and directly to President Musveni, and I urge Uganda's leaders to reject this bill.
Rachel had three tips for the politicians who have actually helped this horrid bill come about in Uganda and says they should follow Sen. Feingold's tips:
1. Don't have blood on your hands.
2. Use leverage.
3. Don't just tell Rachel.
Amen sister. And I would imagine it will be a cold day in hell before Sen. Grassley makes an appearance on Rachel's show to explain himself.
Update: Mike Stark caught up to some C-Street members and asked them if they'd be willing to sign onto a resolution condemning the law being considered in Uganda--Senator’s Inhofe, Brownback and Ensign on Uganda.