May 19, 2010

Man oh man... Rand Paul did not do himself any favors by appearing in this interview with Rachel Maddow. His remarks about the Civil Rights Act might go over alright with his Tea Party crowd, but as his opponent Jack Conway said on Hardball tonight, that's not "going to be acceptable across the country". He just got a small dose of what he's in for until the election in November with this interview.

Joan Walsh summed up the interview nicely at Salon -- Rachel Maddow demolishes Rand Paul:

Kentucky GOP Senate nominee Rand Paul is squirming under the bright lights of national media attention since he toppled Mitch McConnell's handpicked candidate Trey Grayson Tuesday night. On Wednesday, an interview he gave to the Louisville Courier-Journal, in which he seemed to say he would have opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, hit the Internet and cable television. Wednesday night MSNBC's Rachel Maddow interviewed him and tried to get him to clarify his remarks, and Paul tried to talk his way out of siding with the terrible folks who wouldn't let black students sit at those Southern lunch counters in 1960.

But Paul basically sided with the terrible folks. The Tea Party hero said he thought the Civil Rights Act was fine when it came to desegregating public institutions, but not private businesses. He called the issue of desegregating lunch counters "obscure," and implied the First Amendment gave business owners the right to be racist. Read on...

As Joan noted, it's going to become very apparent to voters in Kentucky that the tea party crowd just wants to dismantle the Great Society, the New Deal and the civil rights movement. Any of us that have been watching them in action have known that for some time now.

Dave N.: Wow. That was a devastating interview. Next, I'd like to see someone ask Rand's dad the same questions ... - Live Donations Tracking for 2012 Donations - Make a Donation to 2012 Donations

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