The right wing talking heads have no ideas for their party, but they sure can come up with an incredible amount of stupid things to say on air.
Alex: Listening to Barack Obama is like having sex, the worst it ever was, was excellent.
There's a reason why Alex does this. Since he's a man who's made an incredible amount of money using imagery and inserting dog whistle politics into his campaign commercials, he's trying to dehumanize President Obama with childish sex jokes and in an way feminize him sexually which in the sick recesses of the Castellanos class, will make him a less effective leader.
Just like in this John McCain campaign ad.
....his most infamous spot ran in the 1990 North Carolina Senate race between Jesse Helms and Harvey Gantt, the former mayor of Charlotte, who also happened to be an African-American. The commercial was called “Hands,” and it showed a white guy sitting at a table, the camera trained on his mitts as he crumpled up a job-rejection notice. “You needed that job and you were the best qualified,” intoned the voice-over. “But they gave it to a minority because of a racial quota.” Ugly? Sure. But it won reelection for Helms.
(h/t Jon)