David Brooks is the latest Conservative running out to defend their much beloved, but morally bankrupt teenie booper, Paul Ryan. I bring up morality because it's a a cruel individual that would propose the kind of changes to our health care and social security programs that Ryan did all out of a Randian belief system. In the mind of Brooks, if only the president invited little Paul to lunch just once, they could become kindred souls.
President Obama and Paul Ryan are two of the smartest, most admirable and most genial men in Washington. It is sad, although not strange, that in today’s Washington they have never had a serious private conversation. The president has never invited Ryan over even for lunch.
It gets funnier as it goes along because Brooks tries to paint a much different picture of Ryan, the man, than he really is. But what's infuriating is this quote:
These are exactly the sort of vague but well-intentioned policies that have sold well in election after election. The president is not being cynical about this. He genuinely does believe that seniors and the middle class can be spared from any shared sacrifice.
Seniors and the middle class have already sacrificed, you boob.
Boobie Brooks really believes that seniors have to make another sacrifice in life while the rich keep getting richer and the poor keeping losing more and more money and jobs just to defend Ryan. How morally bankrupt is that?