As Heather wrote earlier, Shelby is threatening a filibuster if there is an Auto rescue plan. At least Carl Levin calls him out over his obvious conflict of interest with the big three American automakers since his state went out of its way to bring foreign auto makers to Alabama. I've been calling for someone to call him out on this publicly since he has been given plenty of air time to attack Detroit while never revealing that the companies in his home state would stand to profit the most out of the bankruptcy is is pushing for.
Wallace: Sen Levin, you said the other day that southern lawmakers like Senator Shelby and you have mentioned his name. have an agenda because they have foreign, non union car companies in their states who will benefit if Detroit goes down, do you really believe that"
Levin: I think there would be some companies that would benefit if Detroit goes down I'm sure. They're competitors. A number of them have opened up plants in the south which they have a right to do, but there will be winners and losers and the big losers will be the American people here
Wallace: Do you have as Sen Levin has an agenda to help your local foreign auto makers?
Shelby: I don't have an agenda, but I'll tell you this, in the south, from South Carolina to Kentucky, Geprgia, Tennesse, Mississippi, Texas, we have about 124,000 people employed in the automible industry. They are competing. They are competing. GM, Ford, Chrysler can compete, but not under the model that they have now.
Notice he never tells the audience what car companies that are in his own state. He just brings up the number of people being employed.
UPDATE: He does remind me of Herbert Hoover too.