[oldembed width="400" height="280" src="https://cloudfront.mediamatters.org/static/flash/pl55.swf" flashvars="config=http://mediamatters.org/embed/cfg3?id=201107280034" resize="1" fid="10"]
I post this to show you how disgusting and dishonest right wing media is. We've had plenty of posts on the debt ceiling debate spelling out our frustrations, but at least we're honest about what is being said and how we feel. I've covered Hannity since 2004 because I always thought it is important for us to monitor what bile is being spewed onto our airwaves.
Remember, it was never covered as extensively before C&L came along with Media Matters so there was never any push back on all the lies. We've had an definitive impact, but I have to admit I just can't watch Hannity anymore. There's a limit to my RWNM stamina. Lo and behold I dared to step back into that cauldron of lies and I tell you, I'll leave him to others on our site.
Hannity is so vile that around the 3:42 mark of this video, Juan Williams calls him "myopic" and a "'liar." Even Juan Williams couldn't contain himself any longer and he's getting paid by Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes.
Williams: "You Are So Myopic. ... You Are Not Honest"