For months and months, I thought the dominant Romney narrative of 2012 was "privileged rich douchebag with a plutocratic sense of entitlement." More and more, though, I'm coming to see it as this: "Unqualified, unprepared, and unfit." He isn't just an ignorant fool, he's a reckless jingoist, exactly what America does not need in dealing with the complex realities of our time, both at home and abroad.
The Grey Matter: How Romney is like the Wizard of Oz.
Brilliant at Breakfast: How Romney-Ryan is like Bush-Cheney.
Frankly Curious: How Americans are their own investors.
The Duck of Minerva: How some nations are seen to be more "real" than others.
Round-up by Michael J.W. Stickings of The Reaction (@mjwstickings). I'll be here through Sunday.
Send tips to mbru AT crooksandliars DOT com.
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