vanityfair: Behind the debate over remaking U.S. financial policy will be a debate over who’s to blame. It’s crucial to get the history right, writes Nobel-laureate economist, Joseph Stigletz, identifying five key mistakes—under Reagan, Clinton, and Bush II—and one national delusion.
Firedoglake: Hysterical Rethuglican Demint predicts there will be 'riots' if the auto bailout passes
Whiskey Fire: Weasels
The Progressive Puppy: Fewer US executions - and a brief history of Capital Punishment
The Pump Handle: More delays on OSHA's long overdue crane rule, Hasn’t there been enough death and destruction from ill-sited, ill-constructed, ill-maintained and ill-operated cranes?
HOLY CRAP: It just gets better and better...Christians stole their holidays from pagans...Israeli conscientious objectors...Putting a cross into orbit...Obama should 86 this Christianist from the Pentagon...Gimme that Old-Time Religion... 'Chuckles' Colson...Kosher collapse...How would Jesus drive?...Pastor endorses warmongering...More on faith-based terror fightin'...Who will lead the GOP's religious wing?...The racist behind Bill O'Reilly's 'War on Christmas' bullsh*t...The FundamentaList...Richard Dawkins interviews Father George Coyne...Bringing automobiles to the alter...