[oldembed width="416" height="374" src="https://i.cdn.turner.com/cnn/.element/apps/cvp/3.0/swf/cnn_416x234_embed.swf?context=embed&videoId=offbeat/2012/05/04/ac-ridiculist-limbaugh-gym-accusation.cnn" fid="18"]
I probably shouldn't have enjoyed this as much as I did, but damn if I didn't laugh out loud at Anderson Cooper's mild-mannered smackdown of Rush Limbaugh's odd citing of Anderson Cooper and his ratings on CNN. I don't listen to Rush, so I don't know if discussing the ratings of the cable news channels or gossip columns are a regular part of his show or if he just needed to needle Cooper a little bit for some perceived slight.
Frankly, the subtext of Rush's comments ("Cooper's always at the gym or that bar") made it a little creepy. We know what he's implying about Anderson Cooper, although really, does a man who takes a jumbo bottle of Viagra on a fraudulent prescription on a Dominican Republic "golf holiday" really want to go there? But Anderson Cooper, classy to the end, reminds Rush that there's nothing wrong with trying to keep physically fit.
I will grant the following point, though, and I agree that this is some fantastically juicy gossip. So listen close. Stop the presses. I do go to the gym. I’m concerned about heart disease. I’ve raised money to fight heart disease. My dad died of it. And, yeah, I try to take care of myself. Mr. Limbaugh, I can only hope that you are taking care of yourself as well. You might try the gym from time to time.
Ooh...I don't care how placid the delivery, that one left a mark. I'm sure that Rush will have another volley soon.