Fox5 in New York showed some anti-Occupy Wall Street protesters this morning in their live coverage. Holding up green placards that read "GET A JOB!" and "OCCUPY A DESK!", the two men screamed at the crowds for making their trip to work difficult. One said, “These people who have no jobs are in our way. We work on Wall Street, we cannot get to work — these people are in our way." And as the crowd heckled them, the other man screamed at the protesters. “Get outta here! Get outta here!” Finally one of the protesters got in front of them and before the cameras to state that he was a teacher and that "these two shitheads here.....", which prompted the station to cut the live-feed in haste, apologizing for the profanity.
The two anti-protesters were identified as brothers Derek and John Tabacco, "small business owners". A two second google search revealed that yes we had seen them before. John Tabacco in particular seems to have been something of a fixture on both Fox News and Fox Business News. Here's an appearance of his from 2008, where he tells us of the wonders of short-selling.
I suppose the surprise here isn't that Fox affiliates engage in the same practices as their network but that they're just as obvious about it.
UPDATE: And here is his brother Derek, this morning, referring to the protesters as "animals". (h/t) DangerousMinds