New York Times Warning: Trust Authorities On Boston Bombing, Or You're Nuts
By Russ Baker on May 31, 2013
Like most of the corporate media, the New York Times has been largely AWOL from investigations of disturbing events like the Boston bombing, 9/11, and Bush’s misleading the public into war. But it’s right out there on the front lines fighting against those who ask questions.. And the fighting is dirty.
Officer Collier Shooting: "Rosebud" Moment Of The Boston Bombing? The Contradictions Keep Coming
By Russ Baker on May 23, 2013
Of all the things that don’t add up in the Boston Marathon bombing case, perhaps the strangest of them all is the killing of MIT police officer Sean Collier. It turns out that what we were told about that wasn’t true—and the actual circumstances look very strange indeed. So does the effort to turn the shooting into a major propaganda moment.
Official Story Has Odd Wrinkles: A Pack Of Questions About The Boston Bombing Backpacks
By Dave Lindorff on May 20, 2013
Many people have questions about the backpacks that allegedly contained the Boston Marathon bombs. WhoWhatWhy made some inquiries—with some surprising results.