Even for Krauthammer, this is a stretch. Somehow the rift between the tea party conservatives and mainstream Republicans (not that there's all that much daylight, mind you), is all President Obama's fault.
It's surely not the millions spent by billionaires to fund and perpetuate tea party ideas via think tanks, political organizations, and Fox News. Surely not. No, no, Charles Krauthammer manages to twist himself up enough to blame President Obama, specifically with regard to the fiscal cliff negotiations. Here's what he said:
He’s been using this, and I must say with great skill–-and ruthless skill and success–to fracture and basically shatter the Republican opposition… His objective from the very beginning was to break the will of the Republicans in the House, and to create an internal civil war. And he’s done that.
If I parse that claim carefully, he seems to be saying that by standing by the promises he made during the election, President Obama is somehow exposing the rift we always knew was in the Republican party. I can't say it often enough: When you roll in the mud with pigs to further your own aims, you might find yourself stuck.
And stuck is what the Republican Party is. They used the tea party conservatives to get elected and then have to deal with their stubborn idealism about how not to govern the country. The real cliff would be the one these wingnuts would push the entire country off, save the billionaires, of course.
I admit that it's sort of fun watching them implode. I just wish we weren't having to temper the fun with the knowledge that this isn't a game, and they aren't serious.
In the meantime, what other suggestions can we give Krauthammer for things that are Obama's fault? I'm sure we could make a whole list. I would start with the things they don't believe in. Like climate change, which is surely Obama's fault if it really exists but of course it doesn't, according to these loons. What else?