The Representative from Vermont, was added to the list of "elected officials" not in the Democratic party who can't stand Bush.
Hooray for Bernie.
Read his thoughts from an article he penned In These Times:
As the only elected Independent in the U.S. House of Representatives and the longest-serving congressional Independent in American history, I want to take this opportunity to share some thoughts with progressives struggling over which candidate to support for president on Election Day.
First, let me state as clearly as I can that George W. Bush’s reelection would be a disaster. I write this as someone who is not a Democrat and who, as a member of Congress, has differed with John Kerry on a number of important issues. In terms of economic policy, among many other issues, however, the choice is clear. It is absolutely essential that Kerry win November 2.
If Bush is reelected the United States increasingly will resemble an impoverished Third World country in which a few families have incredible wealth while the vast majority struggle to survive.
The middle class is shrinking, the gap between the rich and poor is growing and poverty is increasing: This is the Bush legacy.
He will be the first president since Herbert Hoover and the Great Depression to oversee a decline in employment in a single term. Despite huge tax breaks to the rich and large corporations, our country has lost jobs under his reign. Equally important, the jobs being created pay substantially less than those lost. Incredibly, because of outsourcing and disastrous trade policies with China and other countries, in the last three years alone we have lost 2.7 million good-paying manufacturing jobs—16 percent of that sector. We are now on the verge of losing millions of high-tech jobs to India and elsewhere. In the midst of all of this, Bush and Co. support outsourcing and the anti-American actions of their corporate on