Rumsfeld and the Powell Doctrine!USATODAYFri Nov 12, 6:23 AM ETBy John Diamond, Steve Komarow and Tom Squitieri, USA TODAY excerpt:Rumsfeld's plan The
November 11, 2004

Rumsfeld and the Powell Doctrine!


Fri Nov 12, 6:23 AM ET

By John Diamond, Steve Komarow and Tom Squitieri, USA TODAY


Rumsfeld's plan

The strategy outlined by Rumsfeld and other top officials this week has three components:

• Use overwhelming ground force backed by artillery and air power to take control of the insurgent haven.

• Move in immediately with reconstruction efforts to repair battle damage.

• Leave a force in Fallujah large enough to prevent a collapse back into violence.

The goals are simple: to win the gratitude of Fallujah civilians who will no longer have to cope with Iraqi and foreign fighters in their midst; and to demonstrate to other insurgent-dominated towns and cities what can happen if they refuse to participate peacefully in the Iraqi political process.

Why didn't Rummy use this plan at the begining of the Iraq war? It sounds a lot like the Powell Doctrine!

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