January 21, 2005

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No matter what the topic, is, Bill O'Reilly can't help but make it all about himself:

On the O'Reilly Factor Friday night talking to David Frum, about President Bush's Inaugural speech.

O'Reilly: ...they are parsing every word, trying to make Bush look bad. They do it to me. They tape the radio program and go over every word...

on Peggy Noonan's article:

O'Reilly: I think she is doing this to get attention for herself.

Peggy Noonan is one the the great attack poodles of all time. She quit her job to campaign for President Bush. Here's a short transcript of Peggy on Hardball not answering questions in the typical poodle fashion: here. and here.

More great analysis about O'Reilly's comments here. and here.

LA Times article on Neocons here ,and ethics here

Bay Buchanan also get's in the act!

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Bay Buchanan of The American Cause, chimed in on Inside Politics.

(sorry the video quality is not great)

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