via Daily Howler On Sunday, Will made a plainly inaccurate claim in his Washington Post op-ed column. He said Social Security would be running short
March 15, 2005

via Daily Howler

On Sunday, Will made a plainly inaccurate claim in his Washington Post op-ed column. He said Social Security would be running shortfalls as early as the year 2012:

WILL (3/13/05): Today the government is partially funded by that surplus of Social Security tax revenue over outlays, a fact disguised by politicians talking rot about Social Security being an "insurance" program with a "trust fund" in a "lock box." But between 2011 and 2016, Social Security outlays will exceed revenue by $32 billion, and the sums will rapidly increase during the cascading retirements of baby boomers.

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We'll need a score card to track how much mis-information is being put out there. Maybe we'll set up an NCAA bracket.

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