Shameful.... Cowards? Plug pulled on anti-offshoring bill Hmmm, so Colorado has decided that sending jobs its own citizens can do abroad is a good thi
March 16, 2005

Plug pulled on anti-offshoring bill
Hmmm, so Colorado has decided that sending jobs its own citizens can do abroad is a good thing just 'cause it saves a few bucks...

The sponsor of a Senate bill to bar Colorado from using offshore workers to perform state services pulled the plug on the measure Tuesday after budget analysts said it would cost taxpayers $24 million.

The death of Senate Bill 23 represents the second year in a row that the bill - sponsored by Lakewood Democrat Sen. Deanna Hanna - has failed. Similar legislation has died elsewhere around the nation.

Probably because folks were too busy watching the Michael Jackson trial or 'American Idol'...More

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