April 2, 2005

NY Times

Scattered reports suggest that a growing number of pharmacists around the country are refusing to fill prescriptions for contraceptives or morning-after birth control pills because of moral or religious objections. Although the refusals are cast as important matters of conscience for self-described "pro-life" pharmacists, they have the pernicious effect of delaying, and sometimes even denying, a woman's access to medications that may be urgently needed.

This is an intolerable abuse of power by pharmacists who have no business forcing their own moral or ethical views onto customers who may not share them. Any pharmacist who cannot dispense medicines lawfully prescribed by a doctor should find another line of work....read on

The time is coming when the article will read: Moralist Doctors: Doctors that refuse to write prescriptions or treat patients based on their moral principles. With the decline of the health care industry and soaring health care costs, a patient will have no where to go if this trend bleeds over to the doctors themselves, because their insurance will not permit them to see another physician. Especially when dealing with HMO's, when a patient needs a referral to see another doctor. Sounds out of touch? Who thought we would be talking about " some pharmacists are so certain of their moral high ground that they berate, belittle or lecture their customers." ...Stay tuned...

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