Michelle Malkin writes: This is what passes for intellectual debate at Kevin Drum's blog, Political Animal, hosted by the esteemed liberal magazine, the Washington Monthly....read on
She goes on to quote a couple of vulgar examples aimed at her by some folks in the comments section of Kevin's site.
Creek Running North thinks it’s wrong for lefties to describe her this way because she's really a fascist and Michelle can use these slurs against us.
Rox Populi agrees that it's a terrible thing calling her names, but disagrees that Drum has any control over commenters and MM leaves out the fact that some of us came to her defense.
Majikthise believes that the term C**T is too beautiful to describe her.
I find it silly (silly as defined and or said via The Jerky Boys) that such a well-read Right-Wing Blog like Michelle's would waste the time posting an example of profanity from a comment section to portray every liberal this way.
She succumbs to the same old slime that she repudiates. Michelle, just go over to any LGF comments section, Free Republic or some of the trolls on my blog. It's meaningless and proves nothing. The comments section do sometimes bear incredible fruits of wisdom and a good debate.
Most liberal bloggers post insane Freeper posts for the fun of it. Get over yourself and stop being so silly.
(Jerky Boy example of silly: listen to " Car Salesman"