Now, That's A Sentence A Tiny Revolution
Bob Harris says:
... I'm grunting like I'm about to pass a colony of beavers directly out of my rectum.
Oh man that's some good writin'. And it's part ofan important story about Arnold Schwarzenegger.
",0]);D(["mi",8,2,"10398be269634c83",0,"0","C&L","C&L","","FinnsAgain","7:52 am (15 hours ago)",[""" "],[],[],["C&L "],"May 1, 2005 7:52 AM","Re: Roundup: May 1","",[],1,,,"Sun May 1 2005_7:52 AM","On 5/1/05, C&L wrote:","On 5/1/05, C&L <> wrote:"]);D(["mb","Finn, WHat is the form of punishment the Opus Dei goes do to themselves whne they whip themsleves? an important story about Arnold Schwarzenegger.