I thought it was over. The nation prayed. She was returned to us by the lord. She was unhurt. She apologized. She has asked for forgiveness. She doe
May 5, 2005

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I thought it was over. The nation prayed. She was returned to us by the lord. She was unhurt. She apologized. She has asked for forgiveness. She doesn't have cold feet. She is troubled. She is getting professional help. Then the biggest news of all is....she has a Talk Show Pastor. CNN interrupted "Inside Edition" to bring us...REV. THOMAS SMILEY, Jennifer Wilbanks Pastor. He has appeared on every 24/7 show faster than a speeding bullet. When will the nightmare end? I have to get me a Talk Show Pastor too, just in case something happens and I need a little absolution.

Jeralyn at Talk Left has a little different take than I do: She apologized. But, of course, for the court of public opinion, presided over by talk show hosts and news anchors who serve as judge and jury, and current and former prosecutors who argue guilt before they know the facts, it's not enough. Did they expect a public self-flagellation? There is no compassionate conservativism in this day and age, there's only blame, retribution, punishment and revenge. Maybe that's all we should expect from inhabitants of the prison nation we've become...read on

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