(Updated)I just discovered 11,000 unauthorized downloads of C&L's video clips today from our servers. (Update)- I'm working on ways to make them
June 3, 2005

(Updated)I just discovered 11,000 unauthorized downloads of C&L's video clips today from our servers.

(Update)- I'm working on ways to make them more secure, but I've been injured and I can't get to it right now. Most of the time other blogs and websites don't use the permalink by mistake so I know it's not done on purpose, but it costs me the money to host it. If you happen to run across a video from another site that looks like it could have come from C&L please drop me a line. Sorry for the rant, I'm asking for donations to help from you guys and other sites are using them for free.

The site contacted me and apologized saying they received the wrong link. I thanked them for their prompt response.

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