Anyone who thought the end to the Schiavo case would actually be the end to the Schiavo case are sadly mistaken. What would stop a Circus Clown like Gibbs to move on? There is too much money to be made. Remember he said this gem in front of a court of law: via Hard Ball
"He said, if they put her—allow her to die because of natural causes, not getting food and drink, whatever, that‘s disobeying the Vatican. And that could create additional damnation of her soul or add to the time of her suffering in purgatory."
Gibbs told the AP that he believes
"McCabe rushed the report, noting that he never interviewed the Schindlers about what happened the day before or the day of the collapse."We had thought they would meet with the family," he said"
How is interviewing the family relevant to anything that happened to Terri if they weren't there? As my WV friend always says: Serentity Now
(Update)- reg/req-Ave Maria creates Terri Schiavo scholarship: Likening Terri Schiavo to St. Therese, the Little Flower, the Rev. Michael Beers hinted Schiavo, too, could be canonized. Friday, the Rev. Joseph Fessio, AMU provost, "When people say 'persistent, vegetative state' and you see this smiling young woman, is that what it is?" Fessio asked, rhetorically.