Brit Hume and the Ivy Leaguers Hume brought in the elitist myth as a way to deflect the criticism at Harriet Miers nomination. [media id=14080]-WMP
October 5, 2005

A picture named Hume-Ivy.jpgBrit Hume and the Ivy Leaguers

Hume brought in the elitist myth as a way to deflect the criticism at Harriet Miers nomination.

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He's one of those apologists that defends President Bush with every breath. He bangs all of his conservative buddies in the process. I laugh at all the elitists who seem to know so much about poverty when they never missed a meal in their lives.

Atrios writes: Lots of discussion in wingnuttia about whether or not it's "elitist" to oppose Miers. These discussions seem to confuse different kinds of his full take." Kos has his own take on elitist schools.

I do know that the real world is a whole lot different to live and work in when you get out of your nice, highly rated college.

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