A senior district judge today dismissed one felony indictment but upheld another against U.S. Rep. Tom DeLay, dashing DeLay's hopes for a speedy resol
December 4, 2005

A senior district judge today dismissed one felony indictment but upheld another against U.S. Rep. Tom DeLay, dashing DeLay's hopes for a speedy resolution to his case...read on

Jesse Lee says: Look for Republicans to start jockeying for January Leadership elections very soon, as well as some very disappointing poll numbers out of Houston tonight....read on

Tom Maguire feels the same way: "Let's be fair - these charges are more serious because they have not been thrown out. The prospect of starting the New Year with the charges against Tom DeLay dismissed and no indictment of Karl Rove must be sending an early-winter chill down 43rd Street."

Jeralyn: "It looks like Tom DeLay will not be able to regain his leadership position in the House in January. DeLay now must stand trial, and it is unlikely the trial can be scheduled before the end of the year."

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