Matt Lauer was joined by Karen Hughes, on the TODAY show to talk about Iraq and the upcoming election.
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Lauer asked her about the USATODAY story that says: "A $300 million Pentagon psychological warfare operation includes plans for placing pro-American messages in foreign media outlets without disclosing the U.S. government as the source." Is it acceptable behaviour that the US pays journalists to plant stories in the foreign media?
Hughes: see it around the world. There is a lot of misinformation, there's a lot of rumors, a lot of out right lies out there. We still confront myths about September 11th, that crop up all over the world...
What is she talking about? All the myths seem to be spread around by the administration. The myth that Iraq was linked to al-Qaeda? You get the idea. By the way, how did Karen do over in the middle east? Link "By the end of the trip, Hughes had so annoyed a group of Saudi women, they barked at her."