Joe Klein tries to take refuge over at the Huffington Post because Eric Alterman called him out on his recycling of right wing talking points. Please go over after you read the articles and let Klein know how you feel.
Atrios has Alterman's response: "When one speaks of the "left wing" of the party-that is, people who are running or office which was the clear context of the discussion-one is clearly referring to the likes of Ted Kennedy, Russell Feingold, Barney Frank, and the late Paul Wellstone. Those are the people whom everyone at the assembled breakfast understood Klein to be smearing, as he has done repeatedly in Time and elsewhere. Go to my column here and Media Matters here for more on"
RJ Eskow writes: "Klein has pathetically attempted to defend himself in HuffPo from the wave of outrage over his recent remark about progressive Democrats - that is, that there is a "hate America tendency of the [Democratic Party's] left wing." Somehow Klein thinks it's less offensive that he said "left wing" instead of "liberal wing" (I guess because his job title at TIME is still "liberal columnist.")