Lieberman on the 700 Club! He's getting support where it matters. Download [media id=15697]-WMP When Pat Robertson starts talking about the Consti
July 13, 2006

Lieberman on the 700 Club! He's getting support where it matters.

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When Pat Robertson starts talking about the Constitution and how politicians are supposed to support the people it's pretty sickening coming from him. He has one agenda with the Republican party and only one.


Holy Joe has boatloads of cash and he’s spending it like a drunken sailor — $5 million to date, and $4.2 in the bank--Maybe it’s time some journalists start giving the same scrutiny to Lieberman’s finances and stop printing Joe’s endless whining about Ned? And when exactly does Mr. Transparency plan to release the list of Hadassah’s pharmaceutical lobbying clients, so we can all see how much Holy Joe has done for them? on

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