October 4, 2024

MAGA Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene was mocked after appearing to suggest that Democrats or Jewish people (who can tell, but after her space lasers comment, I'm going to go with Jewish people) "can control the weather" in two separate posts on Xitter. Her batshit crazy posts come after Hurricane Helene tore into the Southeast, leaving devastation in its path. Republicans have made the hurricane a partisan issue, but Marge went into wingnut territory.

Don't y'all miss the days when we stuck together, helping each other during natural catastrophes? Well, that ship sailed when MAGA became a thing in politics. And Donald Trump is politicizing it, too, with an avalanche of lies while Republican Governors praise the Biden administration's prompt response.

Greene was among the Republicans who voted against supplementing disaster relief in a government funding extension passed by both houses of Congress. Every Democrat voted for it.

Still, she went there.

And then:

The backlash was swift:

It's nice that she's using pronouns, though. Next, she'll say they/them.

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