October 4, 2024

This Kimmel skit stands out in a field of competitors who don't come close. Via Entertainment Weekly:

Haley Joel Osment parodied the uncomfortable viral video of J.D. Vance attempting to buy donuts in Tuesday's episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live. "The mainstream media? They want you to think that I'm weird," Osment says as Vance at the beginning of the segment. "They call me creepy, cringy, awkward — that I give people something called 'the ick.' They want you to think that I can't order a simple doornut — donut! S---! But that's ridiculous, follow me!"

Osment's Vance waltzes into the donut shop, cuts in front of a tiny old woman, raises his arms above his head, and awkwardly greets the cashier. "Uh, hello," he stammers. "Uh, how long you worked here?" he asks, almost identically to Vance's actual line of questioning in the disastrous video, where the vice presidential candidate grills each employee about how long they've worked at the donut shop and disinterestedly responds, "Good" to whatever amount of time they answer with.

After standing around quietly for several seconds, Osment's Vance declares, "Donut" with no elaboration. "Which donut, though?" the cashier asks. "Uh, just whatever makes sense," Osment responds, quoting Vance's actual puzzling order from the real video. "No pickles, hold the pickles," he adds.

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