Jane sums it up better than I:
CTBlogger was going to put up a YouTube and I really wanted to see it with my own eyes before I wrote anything about it. Yep, there's no mistake. Here is Joe Tortureman on Imus, joking about…well, what else, torture:
I have particularly appreciated your interrogation of some of the other Democratic elected officials. And I’m very comforted to know that your interrogation is not covered by Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions. Heh-heh-heh.
Oh!!! My sides, my sides. The Geneva Convention is no longer even quaint, it's now devolved into schtick on Imus. Yes, this is how seriously Joe considered his vote to institutionalize the United States as a nation of torturers. Just another rubber chicken to whack the Democrats with, right? Oh I can't breathe. Joe you teh funny. You really are.