This Thursday is " The World Can't Wait" (to end the Bush Regime) Day. Find a protest rally in your area and go. Last Left before Hoote
October 4, 2006

This Thursday is " The World Can't Wait" (to end the Bush Regime) Day. Find a protest rally in your area and go.

Last Left before Hooterville : This AA member is not buying Foley's "but I'm in rehab" excuse, then again, Foley's "best instincts" told him to diss Colbert and Katherine Harris. How could he then be such an "idiot of epic proportions " when it comes to instant messaging?

Pandagon : Don't tell them the CIA trained Bin Laden

Pinko Feminist Hellcat: Rights, Access, and Dignity

Liberal Avenger : Rightblogistan Meltdown?

Off the Beaten Path, "walked into a bar joke" edition: The princess, a doctor, a pirate, a Quaker, and a librarian. Guest round up by Blue Gal

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