Talking Points Memo: Evidence linking the White House directly to the Duke Cunningham scandal. No wonder U.S. Attorney Carol Lam was fired
The Left Coaster: The White House’s use of nongovernmental email accounts and servers to mask their political activities done on government time is about to blow up in their faces. "Five Years of Broken" by Joe Galloway. General H. Norman Schwarzkopf has called Galloway, "the finest combat correspondent of our generation -- a soldier's reporter and a soldier's friend."
Seeing the Forest: All it takes to get a high-level job with the Bush Crime Family is knowing other GOPranos..the degree from Pat Robertson University is a bonus
The Orstrahyun: An Australian view of the 'trial' of David Hicks, the first 'terror' suspect to face what passes for justice at the Guantanamo military tribunal
Opinions You Should Have: Justice aide to invoke the 5th, 6th, and 7th Amendments to avoid testifying
Finally, take a look at the party of 'family values'