Congratulations, Joe. It's only taken you more than six years, hundreds of thousands of needless deaths in multiple countries and the near destruction of the Constitution to come to the realization that the liberals you've derided have been right all along.
In the upcoming issue of Time magazine, out Friday, columnist Joe Klein considers what he calls the Bush administration's "epic collapse." He concludes with a statement that may make some wonder if he is hinting that the president ought to be impeached.
Klein claims, in referring to the president, that he has "tried to be respectful of the man and the office" but now he recognizes that the "defining sins" of his administration "are congenital: they're part of his personality. They're not likely to change. And it is increasingly difficult to imagine yet another two years of slow bleed with a leader so clearly unfit to lead."
Earlier in the column, Klein hits Bush's "adolescent petulance" and "indifference to reality in Iraq" and charges that his "hyper-partisanship" amounts to "a travesty of governance." He declares that the three major Bush problems of the year "precisely illuminate the three qualities that make this Administration one of the worst in American history: arrogance (the surge), incompetence (Walter Reed) and cynicism (the U.S. Attorneys)."
Unfortunately, just when you start to think that Joe might be coming around to reality, he has to go and let you know that if you're to the left of him, you're still out in the fringes:
[UPDATE: Posting his column tonight on the Time blog Swampland, Klein notes that despite not being able to imagine two more years with an "unfit" president: "NO! I am not hinting at impeachment. There are no 'high crimes' here. Just a really bad presidency. In fact, I consider impeachment talk counterproductive and slightly nutso."]