A new deal has been struck. What are your thoughts? I think many of us disagree on different aspects of this topic and there's nothing wrong with
May 17, 2007

A new deal has been struck. What are your thoughts? I think many of us disagree on different aspects of this topic and there's nothing wrong with that, but we understand that illegal immigrants are human beings. Ezra started up a discussion over at TAPPED like I knew he would.

Pachacutec has a pretty strong post about it:

This is not a perfect bill. It contains some crap to put together some kind of bipartisan consensus. Whatever. But here's where we need to let democrats know we're paying attention, because whatever happens with this bill, the current fight sets up our future fights on behalf of the most vulnerable families and working people among us..

Please use this site for get the contact information for your representatives in congress, and do it now. Use the italicized text above to tell your representative or their staffers what you want them to do...read on

The wingnuts are freaking over this deal so make your voices heard also...

Howie Klein takes a look at some of the possible political ramifications...

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