Tim Russert appeared on H&C the other night and repeated Roger Ailes talking points on the Democratic Party's refusal to debate on the propaganda network.
Russert: It’s a TV show. If you can’t handle TV questions, how you gonna stand up to Iran and North Korea and the rest of the world?”
"The candidates that can't face Fox, can't face al-Qaeda. And that's what's coming," Fox News boss Roger Ailes said Tuesday.
Russert also agreed with Hannity, who said:
Hannity: I think the Democrats have gone further left than anybody would have anticipated. I think these bloggers have really gotten to them. I think they’re really positioning themselves that they’re gonna have a very difficult time moving center. Do you see that?”
Russert: Absolutely...
I guess Timmeh hasn't been reading the national polls on Iraq. We are the center of the country if indeed you can make a case for what being in the center actually means. Bloggers have been correct on the war from the begining and the rest of America has followed. We won't go into where the Republican party is these days. They need to snatch "The Aqua Velva Man," out of TV because their field of candidates is so weak. And they will need the help of the scribes in the media to get them elected.
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