(P)lease make some calls on the Habeas Restoration amendment today [..]. (S.185 has morphed into S.2022 as a potential amendment to the defense bill currently under debate.) I am told through the Congressional grapevine that a vote on the amendment is likely for Tuesday - that's tomorrow! - and that pressure needs to especially be applied to the following Senators: Lieberman, Ben Nelson, Hagel, Lugar, Craig, Collins, and Alexander.
Please, call your own Senators and voice your support for the restoration of habeas rights and respect for the Constitution and the rule of law. And throw in an extra call or two for the Senators on the waffling list above. For why this is important - and why it needs our support now - read here. And here.
Christy has phone numbers to reach the Senate. Bob clarifies the confusion about the bill numbers and why it's critical to get the Senators on record as supporting or sponsoring the bill(s).
UPDATE: It looks like the calls made to Reid are having an impact. He's just announced that he will file a cloture motion on the Reed-Levin redeployment bill. This should tell you that your voice CAN make a difference. Please call the Senators and ask them to sign on to the Habeas Restoration Act. There's less than 24 hours left before the vote.