You may recall Hardball host Chris Matthews' creepy exchange with CNBC's Erin Burnett where he asked her to get closer to the camera so he could gawk at her and called her a knockout. Well, he was at it again Wednesday only this time he vowed his admiration of right wing hack Laura Ingraham. Apparently, Matthews has been a guest on Ingraham's show and they're good buddies.
One day after the 9/11 anniversary, Matthews goes from this emotional interview where he tears the war apart, to fawning all over one of the right's biggest war cheerleaders. As Ingraham rails against pornography and pedophiles, Matthews drops this gag reflex-triggering quip:
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Matthews: "Can I sing your praises? I'll get in trouble for this, but you're great looking, obviously. You're one of the God's gifts to men in this country, but also, you're a hell of a writer, your books always do well, your radio show -- I just looked at the numbers, you are up there, one of the top most listened to radio shows. I think you're great, especially when you have me on, you're fabulous Laura Ingraham, you're great..."