The hits just keep coming...another BushDog/LieberDem, Ben Nelson of Nebraska* is to be thanked for this. *corrected--thanks to all who called our at
September 26, 2007

The hits just keep coming...another BushDog/LieberDem, Ben Nelson of Nebraska* is to be thanked for this.

*corrected--thanks to all who called our attention to it. 

spakovsky.jpg TPM:

(T)he Senate Rules Committee met this morning about the nomination of Hans von Spakovsky to the Federal Elections Commission.

This morning's result: faced with the defection of a Democrat on the committee, later revealed to be Sen. Ben Nelson (D-NE), Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) chose to agree to send all four nominees, two Democrats and two Republicans, to the floor without recommendation. In other words, the committee did not vote to approve von Spakovsky, but he got through nonetheless.

Next up is a vote before the full Senate, and how that vote will occur will be determined by negotiations between the Democratic and Republican leadership. Republicans are likely to seek a vote on all four nominees at once and have threatened to spike all the Democratic nominees if Democrats seek to block von Spakovsky.

Obviously, inside the Beltway Bubble, they're not so concerned with voter fraud.

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