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For the second presidential debate in a row, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton can expect to be everyone's punching bag. This time she will be on the stage to defend herself.[..]
NBC's Mark Murray reported that the Clinton campaign has anticipated attacks by displaying an old video on its Web site showing Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois and former Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina voicing their opposition to political attacks. [..]
Candidates participating in the debate are Clinton, Obama, Edwards, Sen. Joe Biden of Delaware, Sen. Chris Dodd of Connecticut, New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson and Rep. Dennis Kucinich of Ohio. Debate organizers excluded former Sen. Mike Gravel of Alaska on grounds that he did not meet fundraising and polling thresholds.
Senator Chris Dodd will have his Talk Clock up to tally which candidate (or moderator) is getting the most time. Talk it over, tell us what's happening...