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Anyone else feel physically ill whenever Bill Kristol smirks his way through another FOXNews Sunday panel? When Juan Williams brings up the valid point that American foreign policy operates on a strictly shortsighted nationalistic hegemony (I paraphrase, of course), Mr. "My predictions for US interests in the Middle East have NEVER been right" PNAC/Weekly Standard comes back with those great successes in American foreign policy. No, not Iraq, you silly liberal. He means Chile and the Philippines.
WILLIAMS: This is the problem with US foreign policy ever, isn’t it? That we always view it from an American lens. Oh you know what? Let Musharraf do what he needs to do and he’s going to go after our enemies and we’re going to fight against the Taliban and al Qaeda in the north and all this and then it comes down to we’re not paying attentions to issues on the ground, in Pakistan. And in fact, we’re undermining support for the U.S., for democracy and building support for people who are extremists and terrorists. Isn’t this American foreign policy time and time again?
KRISTOL: You’re right. You’re right, Juan. American foreign policy has been a horrible failure for the last fifty years. We gave people over to communism; we didn’t make transitions to democracy in places like the Philippines and Chile. I think the good news on Pakistan is that the President has pushed Musharraf hard. He seems to have had some success in getting him to agree to the January elections. I think Musharraf is going to be finished. We’re going to have a very dicey job in the next few months of managing—as we did successfully in places like Chile and the Philippines—a transition from a sort of friendly autocrat to a more stable, democratic system. Unfortunately, in this case, we have to do it under the pressure of terrorists occupying parts of the country…[cross talk]…I think Bush has done a pretty…I myself would have been a little more anti-Musharraf a little earlier, but I think the administration has done a pretty good job of pushing and I think it’s going to be a very dicey, challenging next few months.