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Proving that he has more honesty and integrity than all the FOXNews anchors combined, Keith awards himself the bronze for giving out erroneous information on an earlier broadcast by saying that 1 in 4 veterans are homeless instead of 1 in 4 homeless are veterans. Still too many, no matter what the number.
The silver goes to Media Research Center's Brent Bozell for saying that the reason the new Redford film "Lions for Lambs" is doing poorly because no one wants to see Redford insulting the troops, when 1) he doesn't insult the troops and 2) it's doing poorly because it hasn't received good reviews.
And the gold goes to Rep. Thaddeus McCotter (R-MI11) for issuing a scathing op-ed in the National Review against a Catholic charity because they took issue with his stances on SCHIP, calling them the "devil." Really, Thad, is that WWJD?