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Jon Perr at Perrspectives breaks it down:
Four years after Kansas Senator Pat Roberts triumphantly cleared the Bush administration of misusing pre-war Iraq intelligence, the Phase 2 report of the Senate Intelligence Committee he once chaired today reached a much different conclusion. After Roberts successfully stonewalled past the 2004 and 2006 elections the studies examining White House statements on the Iraqi threat and the role of the Pentagon's Office of Special Plans, his successor Jay Rockefeller today concluded:
"The president and his advisers undertook a relentless public campaign in the aftermath of the attacks to use the war against Al Qaeda as a justification for overthrowing Saddam Hussein."
While Democratic and Republican committee members battle it out over the implications of the Phase 2 report, Pat Roberts' role in obstructing the investigation of the Bush administration's uses - and misuses - of intelligence in the run-up to the invasion of Iraq is beyond dispute. Read on...
The world knew the Bush administration was lying all along, but it's good to finally have a definitive record. Senator Pat "Memory Pills" Roberts did his level best to run interference for George Bush and unfortunately for him, he hitched his wagon to a falling star. Roberts was considered vulnerable in his home state of Kansas before the release of this report, and in a year of change and the demise of the GOP, this isn't going to help. This doesn't bode well for Senator John McCain either. He's staked his whole candidacy on the failed Iraq debacle and he, along with the rest of the Republican candidates, will find it difficult to separate themselves from the disaster they helped to create.