July 29, 2008

Remember this ridiculous ad from John McCain that attempts to blame Barack Obama for high gas prices? Well, the same tactic is being used against Democrat Jim Slattery by one very nervous Republican Senator from Kansas, Pat Roberts. Roberts (a good buddy of indicted GOP Senator Ted Stevens) broke his pledge to run a positive campaign, and has resorted to nothing but negative ads full of distortions and outright lies -- he even has the gall to link Slattery to current high gas prices, a sure sign of desperation. Julie Merz from the Slattery campaign cuts through the spin:

When you are in Washington D.C. for forty years, you develop bad habits. You start to think there is only one way to compete in a close election - and that is to personally attack your opponent with t.v. ads full of half-truths and misleading statements. Is it really that hard to run on your ideas for the future? Or stand by the votes you've been casting and explain them to voters? Apparently Pat Roberts believes his record is so indefensible that his only option is to attack Jim Slattery.

Fact: Pat Roberts has accepted over $300,000 from Big Oil companies to fund his campaign and voted for tax breaks for those same companies. Kansans pay for that at the pump.

In his latest ad, Roberts uses some creative language to suggest Jim Slattery had something to do with the Big Oil lobby in D.C. This, despite the fact Jim released a list of his lobbying clients long ago and big oil is not on the list. Jim's lobbying and legal work was largely focused on assisting Kansas City and Midwestern companies compete in the global economy. End of story. Read on...

Check out the Slattery campaign's Blog For Kansas and show them a little love if you can.

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