January 29, 2014

Can someone please take Rand Paul aside and tell him that if any Clinton runs for office, it will be the one who stood nobly by during the Lewinsky nonsense with a backbone of steel? There's a lot of reasons why I'm not a screaming Hillary Clinton fan, but her conduct during the whole Lewinsky impeachment farce was exemplary.

That isn't stopping Rand from going after her anyway. Raw Story:

“This wasn’t an affair, this was a workplace sexual harassment and the Democrats want to be all high and mighty like they’re the party that champions women,” he added. “Well, gosh, their standard bearer seems to be a guy that was committing the workplace kind of violence that we should all be opposed to.”

Rand's got to be pretty desperate to start banging this drum before Hillary decides to run, especially since she was the wronged party in the whole thing. It's ancient history now, but certainly doesn't reflect badly on her.

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