March 3, 2014

It's a feeding frenzy. We had Graham, McCain and Rogers out there over the weekend attacking the president, and Faux "news" has been trotting out one chickenhawk warmonger after another give their "advice" on how the United States should handle the situation in the Ukraine.

Not to be outdone, Fox's Greta Van Susteren brought on former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to pile on. Sorry Rummy, but when you participated in one of the greatest foreign policy debacles of our lifetime by invading a country that was not a threat to us based on lies, you just forfeited your right to give advice on foreign policy.

This man ought to be appearing at The Hague instead of being allowed to fling more poop against the wall as he was doing here: Ex-Defense Sec’y Rumsfeld: ‘It Is U.S. Weakness That Has Shaken the World’:

Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld discussed the Ukraine crisis and the Obama administration’s foreign policy on tonight's "On The Record."

Rumsfeld called America weak. He said, “The U.S. is behaving in a way that tells the world we’re in decline, that we’re in withdrawal. We’ve created a leadership vacuum in the world, and it is being filled by the Putins of the world, by people without our values or our interests.”

The former defense secretary said the government needs to assemble a coalition to explore putting “pressure of all types” on Putin and the Russian Federation, but that the U.N. isn’t going to agree to that.

“If we want peace, we have to be prepared for war … it is U.S. weakness that has shaken the world,” he said, pointing to a lack of military spending and proposed cuts to the defense budget.

“The administration lacks a foreign policy, they lack a strategy,” Rumsfeld said.

Rumsfeld, who has met Putin, called him a tough and intelligent man.

“He is today punching way above his weight class, and the United States is punching way below ours,” he said.

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