Televangelist Pat Robertson on Wednesday explained to his viewers that Robin Williams had recently committed suicide because "the heathen" worships false gods like fame and money.
"What is your God? Is it money?" Robertson asked. "So, when you get money, what's going to happen? Is it fame? So, when you get fame, what's going to happen?"
"You know, you see these very popular people in the media who commit suicide like Robin Williams recently," he continued. "And you say, 'What is the deal with him? What happened?'"
"Well, you see, the God of the heathen are idols. And everything that you seek in life will ruin you, unless that something and somebody is God himself."
According to Robertson, no one would commit suicide once they have found his true God.
"Don't let sexual attraction be your idol, don't let fame or money or any of these things be your god, but come to the Lord Jesus."
After encouraging viewers to pray with him, he asked that everyone call in to CBN.
"Pick up the phone, say, 'Look, I just prayed with that guy on TV, I prayed with Pat, I gave my heart to the Lord,'" he advised.
(h/t: Right Wing Watch)